What is Mindfulness?

Jon Kabat-Zinn (2004) defines mindfulness as “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally”. In other words, mindfulness is a process of open, active and non-judgmental awareness and paying attention to a particular aspect of present experience (such as your breath) without attaching to thoughts or emotions that might arise as a result of the experience. This non-judgmental awareness involves acceptance, kindness and flexibility of the experience as it is.
What are the benefits of Mindfulness for Adults?
There are lots of benefits, but to list some they are:
Reduces Stress
Manages thoughts, emotions and feelings in a more focused way
Decreased Depressed Symptoms
Reduce Anxiety
Freeing yourself from past and future
Calming the mind
Relaxes the body
Improve sleep
Improve General Health
Boosts the immune system
Reducing pain
Improves relationships
Boosts Resilience, confidence and self-esteem

What will you learn from the 5-week mindfulness course I offer?
You will learn:
How to wake up from automatic pilot so you do not sleep-walk through life
How to come close to a experience directly, rather than seeing life through narrow focused thoughts to reach particular goals
You experience the present moment, in the here and now, rather than lost in past or future thoughts and feelings
How living mindfully allows you to make conscious choices, from reacting to responding. Allowing you to apply kindness and compassion to yourself and the experience.
Relate thoughts for what they are - thoughts or events - rather than as “me, I or reality”
The five week course broken down for adults:
Week one: Introduction and Attitudes of Mindfulness, including a Raisin Meditation
Week two: Meditations and understanding thoughts and feelings
Week three: Body Scan and Mindfulness Movement, and how to respond to thoughts and feelings
Week four: How to handle difficult thoughts and emotions by using kindness and compassion
Week five: How to make mindfulness part of your everyday life
To get the most out of your mindfulness course you will need to set aside around 15 minutes every day to meditate and to practice techniques. As the course progresses you will naturally want to do more, as you will find that you have more time to dedicate to yourself. Clients often say their perception of time changes as the course progresses.
What are the advantages of booking a 5-week group course or an individual 1:1 mindfulness course with me?
The advantages of producing individual mindfulness audio recordings for you are:
No cost to you
Personalised/bespoke mindfulness to your needs
Reproducing the meditation so you, the you can enjoy the same experience anytime, anywhere